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Positive steps to well-being

Here is a simple reminder list of a few steps you can take to well-being...


Be kind to yourself.

Our culture, genetics ,religion ,upbringing ,education ,gender ,sexuality, beliefs and life experiences make us who we are. We all have bad days.

Being kind to yourself. Encourage rather than criticize yourself. Treat yourself the way you would treat a friend in the same situation.


Eat healthy

Eat regularly , eat breakfast ,eat healthily,eat fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water.


Exercise regularly

Being active helps lift our mood ,reduces stress and anxiety improves physical health and gives us more energy.

Get outside ,if you can... near a green space or near water.

Find an activity you enjoy doing and just do it.


Help others

Get involved with the community project ,charity work or simply help someone you know.

As well as benefiting others will be doing something worthwhile which will help you feel better about yourself.


Take up a hobby and or learn a new skill.

Increase your confidence and interest, meet others or prepare for finding work.


Connect with others.

Stay in touch with family and friends make regular and frequent contact with them.


Have some fun and /or be creative

Having fun or being creative helps us feel better and increases our confidence .

Enjoy yourself!


Beware of alcohol and drugs

Avoid using alcohol or drugs to help you cope.... it will only add to your problems.


Balance sleep

Get into a healthy sleep routine including going to bed and getting up at the same time each day.



Make time for yourself. Allow yourself to chill out and relax . Find something that suits you ....different things work for different people . Breath.......imagine a balloon in your belly inflating and deflating as you breathe in and out.


See the bigger picture.

We all give different meaning to situation and see things from our point of view.

Broaden out your perspective and consider the bigger picture ....(the helicopter view)

What meaning am I giving this? is this fact or opinion ?how would others see it ?is there another way of looking at this? how important is it or will it be in a years time ?what can I do right now that will help the most?


Excepting; ' it is as it is'

We tend to fight against distressing thoughts and feelings ...but we can learn to just notice them and give up the struggle.

Some situations we just can't change .we can surf those waves rather than try to stop them.

Allow those thoughts and sensations just to be...... they will pass


Be Grateful

Think of anything you can to be grateful for and take a minute to ponder on it.....we all have things in our lives to be grateful for.


Believe and have Faith ..

Spirituality and Physical Health ;

Doctors and scientists once avoided the study of spirituality in connection to medicine, but findings within the past 10 years have made some take a second look. Studies show that religion and faith can help to promote good health and fight disease by:


offering additional social supports, such as religious outreach groups

improving coping skills through prayer and a philosophy that all things have a purpose

In a 7-year study of senior citizens, religious involvement was associated with less physical disability and less depression. Death rates were lower than expected before an important religious holiday, which suggested to researchers that faith might have postponed death in these cases.

Elderly people who regularly attended religious services had healthier immune systems than those who didn't. They were also more likely to have consistently lower blood pressure.

Patients undergoing open-heart surgery who received strength and comfort from their religion were three times more likely to survive than those who had no religious ties.


Spirituality and Mental Health;


Religious and spiritual beliefs are an important part of how many people deal with life's joys and hardships. Faith can provide people with a sense of purpose and guidelines for living.

Medical studies have confirmed that spirituality can have a profound effect on mental states. In a study of men who were hospitalized, nearly half rated religion as helpful in coping with their illness. A second study showed that the more religious patients were, the more quickly they recovered from some disorders. A third study revealed that high levels of hope and optimism, key factors in fighting depression, were found among those who strictly practiced their religion.



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