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Health and Happiness Life Coach

What Is a Health ( Wellness ) Coach?

We help our clients find the motivation and tools to get to their physical and emotional health goals.

Make positive changes in your life.

Those goals might include:

  • Weight release
  • Eat better
  • Quit smoking
  • Lower stress
  • More energy
  • Over all happiness
  • and much more...

Unlike a nutritionist or physical therapist, who makes specific diet and exercise suggestions, a wellness coach will help you make better general choices that fit your lifestyle.

A Health Coach is someone who makes it easy to follow-through with what you already know you should be doing.

A Health Coach is someone who inspires people to grow habits that support their well-being. 

According to the CDC, 86% of all health care dollars ($2.9 trillion and growing) are spent on chronic diseases and conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis. These are among the most common and costly of all health problems and they are preventable with habit change. Who will lead this movement of habit change? Health coaches

How Do I Work With a Coach?

First, you'll sit down with your Health and Happiness Life Coach

over the phone or in person. The sessions will range from 15 minutes to an hour. During that time you'll talk about what you want to accomplish.

Through the questions I asks, together we'll define your goals and the challenges that could stand in your way. Then you'll outline the steps you'll need to take to achieve those goals.

You'll have homework assignments -- things to think about or do between coaching sessions to work toward your goals. You will need to write in a journal or create "action plans" of things you want to accomplish.

I offer support and guidance along the way. And I will hold you accountable for achieving your goals.

You'll work with your coach for a period of a few months or longer. The time frame depends on how often you meet and what you're hoping to accomplish.

Why Hypnosis Is An Effective Natural Treatment For Anxiety

Hypnosis is a natural and holistic treatment for anxiety that can help you view and respond to the triggers of your anxiety positively and help you live your life to the full. You will be able to find your happy place and discover what calm means to you. Research has shown that about 95% of our behavior is determined by our unconscious mind.

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